Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhadradri Kothagudem has organized Kisan Mela under “TSP & SCSP - 2024” on 07.03.2024

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhadradri Kothagudem has organized Kisan Mela under “TSP & SCSP - 2024” on 07.03.2024

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhadradri Kothagudem has conducted Kisan Mela at KVK premises on 07.03.2024. Honourable Sri. Kunamaneni Samba Shiva Rao, Member of Legislative Assemble (MLA) of Kothagudem has participated and inaugurated the programme by lighting of lamp. Dr. S. Naveen Kumar, SMS (Extension) welcomed the guests and given the introductory remarks. Dr. V. Lakshmi Narayanamma (Programme Coordinator) has explained about KVK technological achievements during the year 2023-2024. Dr. R. Srinivas Rao SMS, (Crop Production) and Banoth Shiva SMS (Horticulture) has conducted a Farmer -Scientist Interaction programme. In this programme, Sri V. Babu Rao (DAO), Sri Suryanarayana (DH&SO), Sri. Koteswara Rao, District Fisheries Officer, Sri Damodar Reddy, DAESI Dealers facilitator, ADAs of six divisions participated. Some of the progressive farmers have shared their experiences and Success stories on organic farming, natural farming, dry direct seeding, bee keeping aspects with the gathering. Exhibition stalls on Millets, Oil palm, Scientific Bee Keeping, Drip irrigation, Farm Machinery and other modern technologies were displayed at the mela for the benefit of farming community. A total of eight progressive farmers were identified for their work and were felicitated by Honourable Member of Legislative Assembly of Kothagudem at the Mela to motivate the farming community to adopt the new technologies. The programme was ended with vote of thanks by Banoth Shiva SMS (Horticulture). A total of 275 farmers and 35-line department staff were attended the programme