DAIC- Digital AG India Conference 2020 at Hotel Park Hyatt. Hyderabad on 04-02-2020

DAIC- Digital AG India Conference 2020 at Hotel Park Hyatt. Hyderabad on 04-02-2020

Ray consulting organized DAIC (Digital AG India Conference ) 2020 at Hotel Park Hyatt, Hyderabad on 04-02-2020. His Excellency Andrew Fleming, Deputy Commissioner United Kingdom to India Spoke on “Digitization of AGRI in the UK”. Sri. S. Niranjan Reddy, Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture, Telangana State was the Chief guest and addressed the gathering and stressed the role of digitization in Agriculture Dr. V. Praveen Rao, Vice Chancellor, PJTSAU acted as Moderator for Panel Discussion on “Balanced Natural Resource Management with Digital Support” and interacted with delegates. Around 100 delegates from Agri Industry, Officials, Scientists from SAU’s, ICRISAT and Agri related sectors were attended the conference.