Agricultural Research Station, Karimnagar organized Farmer Scientist Interaction Meet on different methods of paddy cultivation at Adopted Village, Perkapally on 12th January, 2021

Agricultural Research Station, Karimnagar organized Farmer Scientist Interaction Meet on different methods of paddy cultivation at Adopted Village, Perkapally on 12th January, 2021

Farmer Scientist Interaction Meet on different methods of paddy cultivation was organized by Agricultural Research Station, Karimnagar on 12th January, 2021 at Adopted Village, Perkapally of Saidapur Mandal. Dr.G.Usharani Scientist (Pl.Br.) and Adopted Village Incharge welcomed the diginitaries on to the dias and also farmers. The meeting was presided by Dr.G.Manjulatha, Principal Scientist (Agro.) and Head and addressed the gathering, in view of shortage of labour, timeliness in operations in the present scenario, the mechanization in rice seems to be easy and adoptable and it has been decided to demonstrate Drum Seeder and Broadcasting methods using paddy variety JGL 24423 in the puddled soils of the farmers field of Sri. P.Shankaraiah in an acreage of 2 acres. The skilled personnel in broadcasting Sri. Venkat Reddy garu was taken to the adopted village to demonstrate the broadcasting method. The pros and cons of these methods were explained in detail to the farmers by Sri. K.Shekar, DAATTC Coordinator. The cost of cultivation for nursery raising and transplantation may be saved by the farmers implementing the drum seeder and broadcasting methods of cultivation. It was also insisted to the farmers that broadcasting increases the yield (8-11%), reduces the crop duration and drudgery. Dr.E.Rajanikanth, Scientist (Agro.) explained the farmers regarding the various queries raised by the farmers regarding weedicides to be used in paddy. The surrounding rabi nurseries were also visited and necessary suggestions given. The progressive farmers of Huzurabad and ex-SLCC members Sri. Anna Rao and Sri Malla Reddy who are adopting paddy drumseeder method of planting explained the practicable issues in the demonstrated field to the farmers. The Upasarpanch Sri P.Srinivas and around 50 farmers along with the, Argicultural Extension Officer Sri. Katam Raju participated in the programme.