Diagnostic Field Visit by KVK, Palem on 27-07-2020

Diagnostic Field Visit by KVK, Palem on 27-07-2020

Name of the Diagnostic Team Leader: Dr. T. Prabhakar Reddy, PC, KVK, Palem
Name of the research Scientists participated: Dr. V. Divya Rani, Smt. G. Madhuri, RARS, Palem, Dr. Adhi Shankar, KVK, Palem
Name of the Departmental officers participated: Mr. D. Sandeep Reddy, MAO, Telkapally
Name of the farmers participated: Groundnut: K. Laxmaiah, Buggaswamy, Cotton : E. Malla Reddy, Tomato & Okra: N. Naveen and K. Laxmaiah


Date of visit



Place of visit:
Village :
District :
GPS coordinates :

16o 26 ‘11.187 ”N -Groundnut, Tomato
78o 29’35.905” E
16o 26 ‘49.189 ”N -Cotton
78o 29’29.643” E
16o 26 ‘06.0 ”N -Okra. Tomato
78o 29’51.9” E


Crops / variety composition

Groundnut (k-6), Cotton  (Rasi-659), Tomato (PHS-448) , Okra (Simha)


Extent of area inspected (acres)

Groundnut-  2 acres, cotton- 4 acres, Tomato- 0.25 acre, Okra- 0.5 acre


Approx date of sowing / planting

Groundnut: Last week of May, Cotton – 2nd week of June, Tomato- 1st week of June, Okra- Last week of May, 2020.


Stage of  crop

Groundnut - 60 days pod formation ,
Cotton : Flowering stage,
Tomato: Flowering and fruit setting.
Okra: fruiting (4 picking completed).


Type of soil

Sandy loamy soils.


Rainfed / irrigated

Groundnut –irrigated , Cotton- Rainfed,
Tomato & Okra – Irrigated.


Management practices and input used

Groundnut: Profenophos-3 ml for Spodoptera litura  and Tebuconazole- 1ml  for stem rot ,
 Cotton: the farmer sprayed Confidor and Pride for management of Aphids.
Tomato: DAP- 20 kg applied, chlorpyrifos @ 2ml/ L sprayed.
Okra: DAP- 25 kg, 20-20-0 @ 25 kg applied. Sprayed Emamectic benzoate @ 0.4g/L, Myclobutanil @ 1g/ L.


Insect pests/diseases/weeds/other disorders observed (specify)

Groundnut: the crop was severely infected with stem rot, bud necrosis, Spodoptera and leafhopper.
Cotton: crop was severely effected with Zinc deficiency  and moderately effected with aphid damage
Tomato: TOSPO virus, Early blight, Bacterial leaf spot.
Okra: Spodoptera, Jassids, Powdery Mildew      


Percentage damage due to insect pests / diseases

Groundnut :
Stem rot- 20-25 %, Bud necrosis: 15-20%, Spodoptera Damage-30 %, Leaf hopper damage – 20-25%
Cotton: Zinc deficiency: 70 % , Aphid damage: 10%
Tomato: TOSPO virus (3-5%), Early blight (15%), Bacterial leafspot (25-30%).
Okra: Spodoptera (8-10%), Jassids (43%),  Powdery Mildew (25%) 


Insecticides / fungicides / bio-agents used by the farmers along with dose

In Groundnut - Profenophos-3 ml for Spodoptera litura  and Tebuconazole- 1ml  for stem rot ,
In Cotton the farmer sprayed Confidar and Pride for management of Aphids.
Tomato: farmer sprayed chlorpyrifos @ 2ml/ L to control borer. No fungicide spray.
Okra: Sprayed Emamectic benzoate @ 0.4g/L, Myclobutanil @ 1g/ L.


Critical observations if any

Groundnut: severe incidence of stem rot and bud necrosis and Spodoptera damage was noticed. Parthenium was observed in and around field.
Cotton: Zinc deficiency- clear symptoms of interveinal chlorosis was observed.
Tomato: No staking and sprinkler irrigation.
Okra: close planting.


Feedback of the farmer

Groundnut: farmer sprayed Tebuconazole for management of stem rot and profenophos for the management of bud necrosis one time but could not able to control the pests.
Cotton: farmer sprayed confider and pride  for the management of aphids.
Tomato: farmer sprayed chlorpyrifos @ 2ml/ L to control borer. No fungicide spray.
Okra: Sprayed Emamectic benzoate @ 0.4g/L, Myclobutanil @ 1g/ L. for fruit borer and PM.


Suggestions / Recommendations made

Groundnut: for stem rot management drenching with tebuconazole 1 ml/lit. for bud necrosis and leaf hopper management recommended thiomethoxam @ 0.5 g/lit water  100 g /1 acre .
Cotton: Recommended ZnSo4 for chlorosis  @ 2g/lit water 2 sprays in a week (at least 4 sprays in total). For management of aphids recommended Flonicamid @0.3g/lit of water.
Tomato: Roughing of TOSPO virus infected plants, spraying of Azadiractin 1500ppm@ 5 ml/ litre. spraying of Copper Oxy chloride @ 3g + Plantamycin @0.2g per litre of water 2-3 time at 5-7 days interval to control Early blight and Bacterial blight in Tomato.
Okra: Erection of pheromone traps 10 Nos/ acre, spraying of Azadiractin 1500ppm@ 5 ml/ litre to control Spodoptera, Fipronil@ 2ml/ L to control Jassid, Hexaconozol @ 2ml/L for PM control.