Training to SC students under SC Sub plan at College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, PJTSAU from 03-02-2020 to 12-02-2020

Training to SC students under SC Sub plan at College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, PJTSAU from 03-02-2020 to 12-02-2020

College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, PJTSAU has organised a ten days programme on Training and Capacity Building Programmes from 3rd February 2020 to 12th February 2020. 55 SC students of PG and Ph. D programme have participated in the programe. Out of total 55 participants, 51 are from College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar and 4 are from Agricultural College, Jagtial. Total five training programmes are organised during these ten days. They are
2. Vertical Garden
3. Hydroponics
4. Applications of drones in Agriculture
5. Ornamental fish production and management
In order to create congenial learning environment and to make participants developing interactive attitude, the programme has been started with ice-breaking session. The training needs were also identified, having interaction with the students before starting the programme. Eminent speakers from industry, academia and consultancy firms were invited for delivering lectures. Total three field visits were arranged during these ten days programme where students are exposed to vertical gardens, hydroponics fields. Students are also made into groups and asked to give presentations on different topics. Further, students are also put on hands on training to practice in preparation of apps for next gen agriculture. On completion of all the five training programmes, valedictory programme has been organised at College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar on 12th February, 2020. Dr J Satyanarayana, Dean of Agriculture, PJTSAU has attended the programme as a chief guest and addressed the gathering. He thanked the ICAR for providing special budget under SC Sub Plan and appreciated the student participants and asked them to use skills acquired in these programmes for their research a, academic and career purpose. Dr A Manohoar Rao, Member, Board of Management, has appreciated the coordinators and urged the students to take up entrepreneurship in agriculture as their choice. Dr K V S Meena Kumari, Dean PG studies advised the PG and Ph D students take in more such programmes which could help in honing technical and practical skills. Dr Seema, Associate Dea and Member, Board of Management has appreciated Dr D Madu Babu and Dr D Srinivasa Reddy for effectively coordinating the 10 days training programme and advised the students to transform all the skills, inputs and insights learned in the 10 days training programmes into practicality for further improvement. Dr K Mahu Babu, coordinator of the programme has briefed about the programme and thanked all the University officers and ICAR. Later, certificates are distributed to all the student participants by the dignitaries. In this programme, total three books i.e., “7 habits of the effective people” by Stephen Covey, “The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management” by Vasant Desai and “Vyavasaya Panchangam” books are distributed and one 32 GB pen drive along with study material is provided to each participant. Some of the students expressed their utmost satisfaction through feedback that these programmed made us to develop confidence in developing their own activities in business mode and thanked the University for arranging such a wonderful programme. Dr G E Ch Vidyasagar, Officer In Charge, SC ST Cell , PJTSAU, Dr D Srinivasa Reddy, Co-Coordinator of the programme, Departmental HODs, training directors and faculty have participated in the valedictory programme. The overall programme has been organised and monitored by Dr.K.Madhu Babu, Professor & Head, Department of Agricultural Extension and Dr.D.Sreenivas Reddy, Asst Professor, Dept of SABM