Valedictory of ICAR 21 days training Programme of CAFT at KMC, PJTSAU on 11-02-2020

Valedictory of ICAR 21 days training Programme of CAFT at KMC, PJTSAU on 11-02-2020

Centre for Advanced Faculty Training in Community Science (Formerly Home Science) conducted ICAR Sponsored 21 days training programme on “Achieving Food & Nutritional Security through Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture in the context of changing climate” from 22nd January 2020 to 11th February 2020 at Post – Graduate and Research Centre, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. The training was attended by participants from 7 states of India. 49 lectures, 10 visits and 4 practical activities were delivered as a part of the training and resource persons were pooled in from 11 different national and international institutes in and around Hyderabad. The programme was conducted by Dr.TV. Hymavathi and Dr. K. Aparna from Department of Foods and Nutrition. Valedictory event of the training programme was conducted at the University Library on 11th February which was attended by University Vice Chancellor Dr. V.Praveen Rao, ICAR – CAFT Observer Dr. Sushma Kaushik, Hissar, Haryana, CAFT Director Dr. D.Ratna Kumari, Course Director Dr.TV. Hymavathi and Course Co-ordinator Dr.K.Aparna. Dr.V.Praveen Rao interacted with the participants and addressed them on the importance of networking, partnerships and working as a team for better research outcomes.